Building Our Future

Building Our Future

Hello and welcome to our website!  Grant County Dollars for Scholars® has been a local organization since 1994.  It was formerly known as Elgin/New Leipzig Area Dollars for Scholars with 19 charter members.  In September 2004, we choose to rename our chapter to Grant County Dollars for Scholars.  The high school is known as Grant County High School thus the name changes of the chapter. 

Take some time to surf our website and check out the fundraising events and who's who in the Grant County Dollars for Scholars.  As of December 2023, a total of 170 Senior scholarships have been paid to help our local graduating students to continue their education and who they may be for a total amount of $153,400.00. 

We also invest in our non-freshman college students to help them continue.  The first-year funds always seem to come a bit easier than those for returning students.  Since January 2012.  Grant County Dollars for Scholars has provided 76 scholarships for a total of $75,250.00 to college students continuing their education beyond the first year.  Bank of North Dakota has been a sponsor towards this scholarship.  We hope to continue to work with them and apply for their additional $1,000 funding each fall in return for our chapter helping students in financial aid preparation and education as well as attending the state conference each year in late fall.  

For your Special Attention:  We need your help to keep this organization going.  Money is nice yes, but we NEED VOLUNTEERS.  Our current group of active members has become smaller, and the future of Grant County Dollars for Scholars depends on you. Do we believe in our purpose - absolutely - but if we have no volunteers the organization may be discontinued in the next few years.  Please consider volunteering. There are no requirements - just some of your time.  Contact any of the officers in the website contacts or the school.  They would be happy to forward your name to one of us.  Our next meeting is May 13th at 6:30 pm at the high school.  


Grant Count Dollars for Scholars

%Grant County High School

PO Box 70

Elgin, ND  58533